About us

Who We Are

We have 120 active volunteers giving their time week in and week out to support people in our community. Our volunteers tend to be in their 60s and 70s but we welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds! Our volunteers run our transport booking desk and drive our clients in their cars to medical appointments, we have 50 befrienders who support lonely people with telephone calls or visits to their homes to brighten their day. Volunteers provide sitting services for rest bites to carers and support with End of Life as well as many other roles.

Our paid staff team consists of 18 (8.5 full-time equivalents) caring, friendly and professional local people with a wide range of skills and experience that enable them to support our clients and volunteers with empathy and compassion.

The Board of Trustees consists of 7 volunteers, each chosen for their skills and experience in areas such as Fundraising and Human Resources to help them guide the charity forward and ensure its sustainability.

Our Story

In 2007, each of the local surgeries had their own volunteer transport schemes to get people to their GP appointments. Volunteering in Health was formed to bring these separate schemes together as one; streamlining the existing systems to offer a better service for the clients. Since then the charity has grown to offer a much wider range of services.

In 2013, funding was received from Dawlish Hospital League of Friends to work on the ward, supporting clients to have a safe and timely discharge. A pilot scheme was set up at Teignmouth Hospital in 2015 to bring the voluntary sector, NHS and Social Services together to form a “Pro-Active Care Team”. This was a great success and paved the way for the Wellbeing Co-ordinator work which started in July 2016, working with clients to empower them to improve their quality of life.

Volunteering in Health is working now closely with many partners, such as The Alice Cross Centre and Assist Teignbridge, to ensure that every one of our clients receives the right service for them, to help them feel less lonely and more involved in their community.

Working for us

If you would be interested in joining our team, please click here for voluntary opportunities.

Wellbeing Partnership

Volunteering in Health is part of The Wellbeing Partnership https://www.teigncvs.org.uk/projects/the-wellbeing-partnership-south-devon. It is made up of 5 well established charities who have been working successfully in partnership for more than 7 years – Dartmouth Caring, Totnes Caring, Moorland Community Care, Kingscare and Volunteering in Health. The partnership covers Teignbridge and South Hams, the footprint of the Wellbeing Partnership maps onto that of the NHS Foundation Trust in South Devon and is linked into locality Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) and local Health and Wellbeing Networks. The partnership has an anchor role in each of the communities based around Dartmouth, Totnes, Ashburton, Buckfastleigh, Bovey Tracey, Chudleigh, Dawlish and Teignmouth. The charities work together to provide consistent, person-centred services to support local people to make positive and sustainable changes to improve their own health and wellbeing.

Annual Report 2021-2022 Final

by | Nov 1, 2023 | Finance | 0 Comments

Annual report 2021-22 Final

Annual Report 2022-2023

by | Aug 18, 2023 | Finance | 0 Comments

annual report 2022-23 Final

"I moved to Shaldon and didn't really know anyone. I read about Volunteering in Health in the local paper and thought it would be a good way to meet new people as well as getting involved with and helping my new community. I was right!"

Pauline, Trim Teign Project

"After retiring I wanted to be able to give something back to the community. I really enjoy getting to know all the clients and I'm glad to be able to support them with getting to their appointments safely."

Pete, Volunteer Driver

"I often travel to London to visit my family so I needed a voluntary opportunity that was really flexible. Sue and I have now become great friends and we have a lovely time together."

Basia, Volunteer Befriender

"My befriender is an incredible lady and has made such a happy difference to my life. She has not only become a dear friend but she is also my music teacher (piano) and scrabble partner (she always wins!) and above all she is always consistent and cheery!"


Get in Touch


If you would like to volunteer for us, or if you would like to refer yourself or a loved one for any of our services, please complete the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Volunteering in Health, Teignmouth Hospital, Mill Lane, Teignmouth TQ14 9BQ

Charity Number


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